We Help American Businesses Acquire Temporary or Seasonal Help Through the Visa Process

26+ Years of Experience

Labor Consultants International is comprised of a small army of passionate individuals. We strive to cut through the red tape of H-2A, H-2B, and EB-3 guest worker programs to make it easier for employers like you to hire the foreign labor you need.

Visas certified in FY2023
Active Clients

Our Core Focus

We intentionally work to create genuine relationships with everyone we interact with. Our focus is to see clients as more than a business, but as real people with real struggles. We will be a resource to them through experience, creativity and scrappy problem solving. Our method is to open all paths, present all opportunities, and never close a door that could lead to potential success for our clients.

Relationships First

We build our business on a foundation of strong, nurturing relationships. Whether you're a client or a team member, you're part of our extended family.

We believe that true success comes from understanding and valuing the people we work with.


We embrace a scrappy mindset and believe that everything is "figureoutable." We don't believe in limitations or the phrase "it's not my job."

Our team is committed to finding innovative, resourceful solutions that create possibilities for your success, always considering the broader impact of our actions.We're here to turn challenges into opportunities.

Get Started Today

Navigate complex visa requirements with our expert guidance and support.